’Tis the Season For Mindfulness

So, what exactly does it mean to be more mindful? It means being aware of our thoughts, our feelings, and our emotions in every moment. It means being in tune with ourselves and focusing on the present moment. We let go of the past, and we stop imagining every detail of our future. We live moment-by-moment, in the here-and-now. Read on for some pointers on how to stay present throughout the upcoming holiday season.

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Practicing Gratitude

When we practice gratitude, it brings us joy, peace, and a sense of contentment. So why do we so often forget about this simple, heart-warming trick for the remainder of the year? Here are a few simple tricks to keep you gracious and thankful all year long!

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All About the Pumpkin

Pumpkins are full of nutrition, from the seeds to the bright, vibrant flesh. And, they have everything from vitamins to minerals to omega3 fatty acids and more. Talk about beneficial! Keep reading to find out what this curated combo of rich nutrients can do for you.

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Andrew LangloisJuice on Main
Why We Love Kale

Kale is undoubtedly one of the healthiest and most nutritious within the greens family and comes packed with a surplus of powerful benefits. A cousin to cabbage, this cruciferous veggie has several reasons why you should be adding it to your diet. Keep reading to learn why.

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Pitaya vs Açaí: Battle of the Bowls

You have probably heard of these two tropical fruits that generally make up the base blend of a bowl: pitaya, pronounced “puh-tai-uh,” and acai, pronounced “ah-sigh-ee.” Both are beautiful in color, delicious, and loaded with nutrients. Read on to find out what sets these super fruits apart.

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Boost Benefits

If you are on a mission to put the purest foods in your body and receive the maximum benefits (aren't we all?), then it might be time to explore what we have come to think of as healthy foods and what is, in fact, good for you. Read about six of the top superfoods boosts and the benefits here.

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New Year, New Intentions

At the end of each year, we tend to look back on the past twelve months and breakdown our successes and failures. We like to highlight and sometimes brag about our accomplishments (as we should, right?), but we often spend too much time reviewing things that we did not accomplish or did not do well enough. Learn about a new way to reflect on your year which could lead to a higher success rate.

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Andrew LangloisJuice on Main
Back to Basics With a Juice Cleanse

With January right around the corner and visions of resolutions already dancing in our heads, why not get a jumpstart on the new year? So we might as well get moving on our health goals now when the need for boosting our immune system is at an all-time high. And there’s no better way to get into gear for the new year than by kicking into turbo-speed with a juice cleanse.

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Andrew LangloisJuice on Main
How To Get Ahead of Unwanted Holiday Weight Gain

Each year, as the holidays approach, we begin to fret over the same thing - our pants getting tighter...and tighter. This feared phenomenon starts as early as October. We purge on cookies and cake at costume parties and then proceed to binge with Netflix, leftover Halloween candy, and perhaps wine. Thankfully, we have some helpful tips to help you be more mindful about your nutrition around the holidays.

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Andrew LangloisJuice on Main
5 Reasons to Add Organic Superfoods Into Your Life Now!

From boosting your immune system, to the best dietary supplements, to how to eat healthier – these are some of the leading topics for today’s top web searches. We know that a healthy lifestyle is something to strive for in general, but this year, it seems to mean so much more. So before we dive in, let’s cover the why and what. Why eat organic? And what the heck are superfoods?

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