Back to Basics With a Juice Cleanse


by April Pascarelli

With January right around the corner and visions of resolutions already dancing in our heads, why not get a jumpstart on the new year? It seems safe to assume that we are all ready to say goodbye to 2020 and create hope and health in the months ahead. So we might as well get moving on our health goals now when the need for boosting our immune system is at an all-time high. And there’s no better way to get into gear for the new year than by kicking into turbo-speed with a juice cleanse.

If you’ve ever wondered if a juice cleanse is good for you, the answer is a resounding YES! And before you get hung up on the notion that a juice cleanse will be starving your body, think again. If you approach this the right way, you have nothing to fear. You will fuel your body with the best while allowing it to reset. So, if you are looking for a quick and efficient way of filling up on nutrients and enzymes, giving your digestive system a break, and ridding your body of endless amounts of toxins, then keep reading to hear more on the benefits.

The Benefits of a Juice Cleanse - Juice On Main - Medfield, MA - Mansfield, MA

Nutrient-dense juices and nut mylks

When we think of nutrients, we envision vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. We often think of some being better than others or hear varying opinions on which ones we should include more of in our diet. Opinions aside, when we eat (or drink) foods that are nutrient-dense, we are getting the best return for our investment. Essentially meaning that nutrient-dense foods are packed with the nutrients that our bodies need to thrive yet, they are low in calories. When we juice fruits and vegetables, we extract loads of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. Quite the combination!

Rich in enzymes

If you want to ensure that your body’s process of producing specific compounds and breaking down food is happening accurately and efficiently, then drink up your digestive enzymes. Raw juicing is a great source of digestive enzymes, which are vital for the breakdown of nutrients. Our body already produces these little guys, but by adding more to our makeup we can give the digestive process a pick-me-up! Additionally, these enzymes all serve different and specific functions to get things moving along with several processes including, absorption of nutrients, removing toxins, increasing energy, regulating hormones, and helping our bodies fight infection.

Digestion reset

If our digestive system is continuously trying to break down food and fiber, it doesn’t get much time to rest. With the reduction in fiber during the juicing process, your body takes those days to give your digestive system a much-needed break. Not only are you hitting pause on all of the fibrous foods and hard-to-swallow solids, but you’re cleaning out your digestive system with the purest and most natural of substances, and completely resetting your gut. The boost you’ll get in your belly in good bacteria (the inflammation-fighting kind) will only prove to help aid in the digestion process.

Remove toxins

Imagine opening the hood of your car, cleaning out your engine, removing all debris, and then filling the tank back up with dirty oil. You most certainly wouldn’t do that for your car so, why do it for your body? When resetting our body, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to replace our food with chemical-ladened liquid fuel. So, you must go organic when doing a juice cleanse! Visualize that you are replenishing, and nourishing your body the way that nature has intended and without all of the invisible, harmful toxins that accompany conventional produce.

So, what to expect?

Well, if you go into a juice cleanse feeling like you are depriving yourself of foods and feeling a sense of lack, you most likely won’t have the most enjoyable experience. If you are excited to take the next steps to bring you closer to a healthier you, then you are ready! Keep up the positive mindset and allow yourself to be present so you can truly enjoy this journey. If you are a morning coffee drinker, it is recommended to gradually reduce your coffee intake in the days leading up to your cleanse so that your body can ease into being without caffeine for the duration.

Many people have noted mental clarity, weight loss, increased energy levels, better sleep and clearer skin at the end of a juice cleanse. Typically the longer the cleanse, the more results you will yield. Regardless, when you finish up, no matter where you were prior, it is likely that your eating habits will shift, for the better, and you will find a sustainable way to include this nutrition regularly into your life.

If the thought of a juice cleanse sounds intimidating to you, don’t worry, you wouldn’t be the first to feel that way. It can be broken down into simple steps and that’s where we come in! We will take out all of the guesswork for you and serve as support for any questions that may come up. You can also start with as little as a 1-day cleanse to get a feel for how it works. Watch this short video for answers to some of the most common questions. For more information on beginning the Main Street Juice Cleanse, go here.

Andrew LangloisJuice on Main