Organic Juice Cleanse Juice on Main

About Our Juice Cleanse 

Like it or not, toxins are everywhere!

They’re in the water we drink, the food we eat, and the air we breathe. Throw in hectic lifestyles,  sleep deprivation and myriad stresses and you can see why our bodies need to detoxify regularly. This is where a juice cleanse comes in. But not just any cleanse will do the trick…



The Main Street Juice Cleanse is a short (1-, 3-, or 5-day) program of cutting food intake while consuming only fresh, organic, cold pressed juice.

The goal is not to starve the body, but infuse it with nutrient dense, enzyme-rich raw juice. Since the juices have minimal amounts of fiber, they’re easily assimilated which gives the digestive system a break. This enables the body to reset and carry out deeper detoxification and healing with minimal digestive effort.


Daily Timing Example


During the cleanse, you’ll drink a total of five 12-ounce juices and one 12-ounce nut mylk each day. Spacing out the juices every two to three hours will yield the best results as well as keep you feeling fuller throughout the day. As always, it’s important to drink plenty of filtered water as this will help keep you hydrated and aid the body in removing stored toxins. Herbal teas are also excellent.




Most people cite improved mental clarity, weight loss, increased energy levels, better sleep, and clearer skin. Since juicing helps reset the palate, improved eating habits often result.


Typically, the longer the cleanse, the greater the benefits. Since no two people are alike, results will vary. Many continue drinking at least one juice per day as part of a healthy lifestyle.


Frequently Asked Questions


What if I want to go to the gym while on a juice cleanse?
Moderate exercise is ok (stretching, yoga, etc.). One of the reasons to cleanse is to give your body and digestive system a rest, so strenuous exercise might negate some of the benefits.

How do I juice and go to work?
It’s easy to cleanse and work since your meals are your juices so, no prep is necessary!

Any suggested times for your first time trying a cleanse?
It’s hard to find the perfect time to cleanse since our lives are so busy. However, many cleansers choose to do so when they don’t have engagements planned.

Do you strictly just drink juice or can you have other things in between?
Our cleanse comprises five juices and one nut mylk per day. In order to give the digestive system the biggest rest possible, we don’t recommend eating solids during the cleanse. Though you can certainly supplement the cleanse with plenty of water and herbal teas.

What about protein when doing a juice cleanse?
There’s a good amount of protein in the juices, and even more in the nut mylks.

Will I get headaches on a juice cleanse?
We recommend weaning off caffeine totally prior to beginning the cleanse, since a sudden stoppage could cause some to experience headaches.

How do you start eating again after a juice fast?
You want to slowly reintroduce solids that are easy to digest such as fruits, soups (especially during the winter), and veggies.




We offer detailed pre- and post-cleanse protocols for maximum results. If enough notice is given before the start of the cleanse, the pre-cleanse protocol is an option. Just doing a cleanse is great, but doing it correctly from start to finish, and beyond, is even better. We’d be more than happy to guide you through the process in order to help you achieve your desired results.


How To order 

To order over the phone: call us at (774) 469-3154.

Have questions? Send an email to:


Group cleanses are also available and are a fun way to get healthy!
We offer them regularly, or you can get your own group together.
Let us know if you’d like more information.

Cleanse Price: $55.00 per day