Five Key Benefits of Watermelon



Welcome, June! Sun is out, surfs up, and summer is just around the corner. And absolutely nothing screams summer more than sliced-up watermelon. This juicy fruit is a fan favorite at cookouts, BBQs, and a day at the beach. With more than 1,000 varieties found worldwide, it is most commonly known for its sweet, sugary taste. And quite distinct with its bright green hard rind, pinkish-red flesh, and large, black seeds. Despite what many think about this super fruit - it can raise the glycemic index temporarily, but it is an excellent option for keeping blood sugar levels in check. This fulfilling fruit has many reasons to add it to your summer diet. Here are five to keep in mind while making your grocery lists.


Considering watermelon is made up of mostly, ahem, water, there is no doubt that this fruit is hydrating! Watermelon is around 90% water and is a tasty choice for hydration during the warm summer months. If you struggle with getting enough H20 into your daily diet, add some of this sweet melon to spice things up and quench your thirst.


Watermelon is rich in vitamin C and contains approximately 14% of our recommended daily value. Vitamin C helps the body form collagen, maintain skin health, boost immune function, and absorb iron. Additionally, it contains potassium, copper, vitamin B5, and vitamin A in decent amounts. Also high in beneficial plant compounds such as citrulline, an amino acid, it may possibly help lower blood pressure. And lycopene, an antioxidant, gives it its red color. Lycopene is used within the body to form beta carotene before converting it into vitamin A. Fun fact: watermelon is the best source of lycopene - it has even higher amounts than tomatoes!


Studies have shown that adding more watermelon into your routine can reduce CRP (c-reactive protein) levels which are markers used to check inflammation within the body. And due to high level of carotenoids and lycopene, it may reduce risks for other inflammatory diseases (including rheumatoid arthritis, cancers, and heart attack).

Muscle Recovery

As we already know, watermelon is where it’s at for extra hydration - this is key for your intense summer workouts. But additionally, it can provide you with energy to muster through those workouts while also helping to aid in recovery by diminishing muscle soreness post-workout (there’s that citrulline again)! Watermelon also has high levels of potassium, an electrolyte needed within our body that we lose while we sweat.

Skin Health

We’ve all heard the phrase, “you are what you eat." When we properly hydrate and fuel up on vitamins, minerals, and the nutrients our body needs, it shows, in all aspects of our health, including our skin. Watermelon is jam-packed with A, B, and C vitamins that work together as a part of a small team to protect and nourish our largest organ. Yes, we are talking about our skin! The nutrients from this seemingly magical melon boost collagen production and help fade spots and brighten skin for an overall luminous glow!

In Summary

So, considering that watermelon may have anticancer effects, improve heart health, reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, aid in muscle relief, hydrate, and is real plant-based food, I think we owe it to ourselves to give it a shot. And now we have more than enough reasons to add this melon to mealtimes. Get a headstart on the summer season and grab yourself some watermelon. After all, you are one in a melon, and your body and health are so worth it!

P.S. If you need some help adding more melon into your life, check out what just dropped at Juice On Main…their seasonal Summer Splash is BACK!